Interactive Educational Content
for 5th Grade Mathematics in Gujarati Language (2010)
There is a very high drop out rates for students who join Gujarati medium schools in the state. Save the Children in Gujarat was working on bringing the dropouts back to school at the 5th grade level directly. To this effect we were commisioned to develop interactive content , that covers the basic of mathematics up till 5th grade in Gujarat Secondary Education Boards Curriculum.
In 2010 this was an experimental step for the NGO to take as many of the schools lacked computers and related infrastructure. Part of the task included visiting schools in rural areas and understanding how students learn and interact with computers. Also part of the task was to assimilate and synthesise information and insights from educators and content developers in the state and use appropriate vocabulary, audio and visuals to narrate/explain the concept.
I did this project before I went on to do masters in New Media Design at NID. In many ways this project made me aware of the amount of sensitivity and skill required to undertake a task like this.
My Role: Research and Development of course content
Team: Abhinav Mishra + Sagar Shah
Client: Save the Children, Ahmedabad
Concept to execution • Abhinav Mishra + Sagar Shah
Other works :
Auto Expo 2016, Honda :​
Interactive experience at Auto Expo simulating the new combi brake system in Honda 2 - wheelers
(Link inactive - website under construction)
Antariksha Sanchar:
A point and click adventure inspired by the dream theorems of prodigious mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan, and originating from an opera by the classical dancer Jayalakshmi Eshwar. The game is co-produced with the support of Quicksand Gameslab, Unbox and BLOT!.
(Link inactive - website under construction)